To make a request for tuning files to be sent we first need to know a little about the car and its ecu, please follow the steps shown and email us the ECU info from your car.
We require the following :
☻ECU Info page sent to our Default email address
☻BAS2 RRC Serial number from the sticker found on the SIDE of the tool
☻Car Modification List including any non engine related modifications
☻Car Millage
☻Car Intended Main Use
All info should be sent within the emailed ecu info page direct from the application.
From the main menu of the app press to select “ECU Info’s” and confirm read when pop is shown.

This video shows the whole process should you get confused.
As you see from the “Sent Box” of my mail app all information is pre populated within the mail for ease of sending in the correct format.