Fuel Pump Volume Control Valve (VCV) Programming.
Its getting more common and more needy for the owner of the Defender 2.4 as it ages to need a facillity to aid repair of the car and allow programming of new components like the Fuel Pump VCV known as the Volume Control Valve.
As the cars age and miles are covered theiir comes a time when components need changing, after replacing the high-pressure pump and/or the ECM, the VCV must be calibrated with the aid of specialist diagnostic equipment..
The BAS2 RRC (Remote Remap Control) with its built in diagnostic functions can cater for this very need.
We advise for best results programming is only done when needed and only on a standard non tuned engine when is up to a temperature above the minimum limit of 75C and below 80C.
(The Live Values menu can show you coolant temp before you start the process)
INFO: The VCV is located on the high-pressure fuel pump. The valve its self regulates the fuel supply (and so the actual quantity of fuel) from the transfer pump to the high pressure fuel pump its self depending on the fuel pressure in the rail. This makes it possible to match the delivery of the high pressure fuel pump to the requirements of the engine from the low pressure side.
Engine Pilot Correction Learning Procedure.
The Defender 2.4TDCi as well as many other Ford models that share the same engine control architecture as the Defender, use and require their engine management strategy to be set up for the actual cars engine fueling components to balance everything together and keep the engine running at its best.
This Pilot Correction Learning process is part of whats needed and helps keep the car running the best it can at ll times, this process should be done after the engine or a calibration change has been made to the ECU or if the car has had a new injectors or VCV fitted.
The BAS2 RRC (Remote Remap Control) with its built in diagnostic functions can cater for this very need.
We advise for best results programming is only done when needed and only on a standard non tuned engine when is up to a temperature above the minimum limit of 75C and below 80C.
(The Live Values menu can show you coolant temp before you start the process)
The quantity of fuel flowing back to the main fuel supply line is kept to a minimum. In addition, this adjustment reduces the overall power consumption of the high pressure fuel pump thus improving the efficiency of the engine.